How f****d is that doggy in the window?

Well, would you buy it? 


And yet on sale at Harrods in London this week:

Click to enlarge

Of course, many people reading this will express horror at the price - or that Harrods are selling puppies at all (with Kennel Club registration I might add). 

But, for me, the interesting part is the refreshing honesty displayed on this notice at Harrods - a great deal more honest, as it happens, than the Kennel Club is on its breed information health pages. (Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself here... not a single mention of respiratory problems for any of the brachycephalic breeds). Now I know this is likely due to Harrods' need to cover its commercial arse, but still... what a shame that the Kennel Club isn't similarly obliged.

Here's what it says on the Harrods notice:
"Health: Can be prone to joint diseases, spinal disorders, heart defects and eye problems. They can also have respiratory problems and tend to wheeze and snore and have trouble in hot weather. An overweight Frenchie may have trouble breathing, because of a swollen abdomen."
And still they buy!

PS: anyone want to have a bash at illustrating a Borsche Pugster for me...?